Legislative Issues
South Dakota Right to Life is asking for your help with two bills that hang in the balance at this stage of the South Dakota legislative session -- HB 1215, which seeks to prohibit the termination of an unborn life, and HB 1198, which, as currently amended, would require abortionists to screen for risk factors that may result in great future complications for a woman who has decided to seek an abortion. Both bills could have a huge impact on abortion not only in South Dakota, but also on the national front.
HB 1215 presents the same fundamental issue -- a ban on abortions -- that passed the Legislature with strong support last year. That law was set to become effective on the date the US Supreme Court allows the states to prohibit abortion at all stages. The chief contrast between that law and this year's proposed legislation is that the passage of HB 1215 would pose a direct challenge to the Court's rulings in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. In both the 2005 law that was passed and the 2006 proposed legislation, the primary issue reflects our number one goal, which is to effectively end abortion. In the recent past, when there were six pro-Roe votes on the Supreme Court, SDRTL was concerned with the timing element of a direct challenge. Now that one of those Justices has been replaced, we hold out hope that we have edged closer to a majority that might rule in our favor. Therefore, South Dakota Right to Life has decided to voice our support of HB 1215. This bill is scheduled to be heard on the Senate floor on Wednesday.
HB 1198 is an amended bill that could have a huge and immediate impact on abortions being done is South Dakota, putting abortionists under some of the same rules as other doctors. It would require that a qualified individual screen an abortion patient for physical, emotional, behavioral, familial, or psychological risk factors, which may lead to very serious future consequences, if the woman chooses to undergo an abortion. It truly is a health issue that is in the best interest of women who are contemplating having an abortion. This bill is currently tied up in the Senate State Affairs Committee.
We ask that you contact your legislators and Governor Rounds and ask them to support these bills.
--SD Right to Life Executive Board